How To Manage Team Members (Enterprise & Multi-user)

Managing your Enterprise and Multi-user accounts and your team members is easily done from your account page. Visit our guide below to help you navigate the options for your team account.

Step 1:

Login to your Account Portal

Step 2: Managing your subscribers.

Click the “TEAM” button to access a list of your current team members, this is the same as your “Members” page.

From this page you can:

  • Remove existing members
  • Add additional managers to your account

Step 3: Adding new subscribers to your account.

Click the “ADD MEMBER” button to add additional subscribers to your account.

You can add individual team members to your subscription by:

      • Copy and paste the link to allow employees to register themselves OR
      • Send them an invitation to register via email
        • If they have an existing account they can sign in to accept the invitation to your team account OR
        • If they are a new subscriber they can complete the subscription information to join your account.